
Triangle Graphic

Foundational Leadership

John Maxwell Team certified training, coaching, and resources   [Learn More]

Rob’s Book:  Be Strategic—Lead a Life of ImpactBook

                        Applying strategic planning and leadership principles normally associated with business to a whole, integrated life.

Organized around the six P’s…

                                    Purpose—Why am I here? What sustains my motivation?

                                    Process—What will I do to live out my purpose?

                                    Planning—How will I achieve it? Draw your own map.

                                    Piloting—Who will I be? Leading self, family, organization

                                    Productivity—When will I get there? Effective execution

                                    Provision—Where will I find the resources and support?

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Transformational Strategy

Do-it-yourself Strategy Tool KitThe Strategy Hourglass final

Facilitated Strategic Planning, A-to-E (on-site or remote)

A cceptance

B rainstorming

C reation

D elivery

E xecution

Social Impacts Mitigation

Conduct research to identify and advocate models that embody solutions for pressing social challenges.

Poverty—sustainable income streams

e.g. via market economic structures, micro finance, etc.

Disease—clean water

e.g. DEKA R&D’s Slingshot and Stirling Engine generator.


Effective  Operations

The Execution Mandate—productivity tools

The Engagement Engine—RemarkaMobile marketing system   [Learn More]

The Energy Advantage—New Earth nutrition   [Learn More]